
Registration is only required if you do not have a username. Please check your spam & junk mail folders to ensure you have not already received an email with a username and password. If you already have a username log in here

Each account must have a unique email address associated with it. Please contact us if you need multiple accounts with the same email address (i.e. related family members).

Client Information

/ Middle Initial

( optional )


( for Text Message Reminders )

Bill To Contact

/ Middle Initial

Emergency Contact

First Name
Last Name
Street Address
ZIP Code

Log in Details

( If client is a minor, the legal guardian must enter their email address below. )

Between 8 and 40 letters and numbers

Challenge Questions

( These will be used to retrieve your password. Answers must be between 4 and 30 characters, cannot contain any spaces. )

( If you feel you must write down your questions in order to remember them, make sure to keep it in a safe place. )

Terms and Policy

Declaration of Practices and Procedures

:: Qualifications :: I earned my PhD in Psychology and Counseling, Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling, and Master of Theology from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I am licensed as a Licensed Professional Counselor #2311 with the Louisiana LPC Board of Examiners, 8631 Summa Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70809, (225) 765-2515.

:: The Counseling Relationship :: My goal for the counseling relationship is for it to be a learning process that provides the client(s) with the needed tools to better understand themselves, others, and their relationship with God in an effort to enhance the client(s) interactions and ultimately gain a greater satisfaction for life. The counseling relationship involves you and me exploring the nature of the problem that moved you to come to counseling. I will need you to share with me openly and honestly so I can get to know you, see how you perceive yourself, and gain a better understanding of the quality of relationships you share with others. My responsibility will be to actively listen to you as you share your story, assist you as you develop future goals for an improved life, and provide an environment of trust so you can realize these goals.

:: Areas of Focus :: I have experience with therapeutic issues that include: sex addiction, sexual issues, abuse, depression, anxiety, marital or family problems, grief, support for women, troubled teenagers, and various forms of addictive behaviors. I addition to being a licensed LPC for the state of Louisiana, I hold a national certification as a American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Counselor (AAMFT#102853)

:: Fees and Office Procedures :: The fee for service is based on a sliding fee scale per 50-minute session and paid directly to Broom Tree Counseling. Payment for services is due at the close of each session. Payment is not accepted from insurance companies. Client will pay a $10 charge for returned checks.

:: Scheduling and Cancelation Policy :: Appointments are typically set at the close of each session. I have morning and afternoon appointments available Monday through Thursday. Appointments may be scheduled, rescheduled, or cancelled by contacting directly Tasha Levert.

Clients who fail to show up for scheduled appointments or do not give at least 24 hours notice of cancellation are required to pay their established fee for the missed appointment. Clients who cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance are not charged for the session.
Services Offered and Clients Served :: My therapeutic orientation is centered on the type of problem that is presented. My methodology could be drawn from any of the following therapies: cognitive, behavioral, solution-focused brief, structural/strategic, narrative and/or insight-oriented therapies. Individual, couples, family, group, and adolescent counseling is available. Counseling with children is usually available within the family counseling context. I do not work individually with children under 10 years of age.

:: Code of Conduct :: As a counselor, I am required by law to adhere to the Code of Conduct for practice that has been adopted by my licensing board. A copy of the Code of Conduct is available to you at

:: Privileged Communication :: All of our sessions will be confidential to persons outside of the counseling process. Confidentiality will be encouraged in marital, family and group therapy settings, but I do not guarantee confidentiality among participants in the therapy. In addition, information may be released in accordance with state law only when (1) the client signs a written release of information indicating informed consent to such release; (2) the client expresses serious intent to harm himself/herself or someone else; (3) there is evidence or reasonable suspicion of abuse against a minor child, elderly person (sixty or older), or a dependent adult; or (4) a subpoena or other court order is received directing the disclosure of information.

It is my policy to assert privileged communication on behalf of the client and the right to consult with the client if at all possible, except during and emergency, before mandated disclosure. I will endeavor to apprise clients of all mandated disclosures as conceivable.

In the event of marriage or family counseling, material obtained from an adult client individually may be shared with the client’s spouse or other family members with the client’s written permission. Any material obtained from a minor client may be shared with the client’s parent or guardian.

:: Emergency Situations :: If you need to contact me, you may call me at (504) 265-3125. Leave a message in my voicemail, and I will return your call as soon as possible. In an emergency situation when an immediate response is necessary, you may call the Doctors After Hours and URGENT Care and Walk-in Clinic at (504) 288-3456. You may also seek help through hospital emergency facilities or by calling 911.

:: Court Appearance Requests :: Tasha Levert does not appear in court unless ordered to testify by a judge. If I am required to testify, then the client will be charged his/her established hourly fee.

:: Client Responsibilities :: You, the client are a full partner in counseling. Your honesty and effort are essential to success. As we work together, if you have suggestions or concerns about your counseling, I expect you to share these with me so that we can make the necessary adjustments. If I determine that another mental health provider would better serve you, I will help you with the referral process. If you are currently receiving serves from another mental health professional, I expect you to inform me of this and grant me permission to share information with this professional so that we may coordinate our services to you.

:: Physical Health :: Physical health can be an important factor in the emotional well being of an individual. It is suggested that the client have a complete physical examination if s/he has not had one within the past year. Also, please list any medication you are presently taking on the attached intake form.

:: Potential Counseling Risk :: Please know that counseling poses potential risks for the client. In the course of working together, additional problems may surface of which you were not initially aware. If this occurs, share these concerns with me.
( Type Full Name )
( Full Name )